Today, Twitter announced that it will help users find accounts that are related to their interests with an updated „Who to Follow“ page and a new „People“ search results tab. For social media marketers, this means Twitter may make it easier for relevant audiences to find their businesses if they employ SEO-friendly bios and thought leader-like Tweets.

Previously, Twitter would only recommend that users follow accounts containing their exact search phrases in the usernames. Now, the company seems to be including Bio information in the data used to provide relevant results, and Tweet content may be influencing recommendations as well.

For example, clicking on the „People“ tab for a Twitter search for „Boston“ reveals that the top recommended account is @paulpierce34. Though there is no mention of Boston in his username, Paul Pierce’s bio details that he is a player for the Boston Celtics, and his Tweets include references and links to a number of his „ blog posts“ and „Boston @globeceltics“ blog posts, revealing that he produces content that has set him apart as a thought leader in Boston. Who to Follow.

With these updates in mind, marketers should take Pierce’s lead and get the full SEO value out of their Twitter content so they can be recommended as „who to follow.“ (For more, see Brafton’s related blog on SEO opportunities presented in Twitter.)