With the rise of mobile and social marketing, traditional digital channels are losing some attention, but a new survey from ExactTarget reveals email marketing is not losing its selling power. The company’s Email X-Factors report shows that email can still be one of the most cost-effective platforms for marketers.

One key to unlocking the continued potential of email marketing is to meet consumers‘ expectations. The report shows that familiarity with email is one of the strongest points of the channel – even among the young and social savvy. The study found that 56 percent of millennials will subscribe to emails to find deals while just 28 percent will search for deals on Facebook.

That said, values are one of the top things consumers want out of commercial email subscriptions. The study shows 62 percent of U.S. shoppers will subscribe to emails with the hopes of finding promotional offers. They look for exclusive deals and advanced notice about products and services.

Privacy is another factor that influences consumers‘ decision to subscribe to emails. In general, consumers feel email is a trusted and secure way for them to engage businesses – 93 percent of U.S. online consumers receive at least on permission-based commercial email message every day. Marketers may want to emphasize that subscribers‘ contact information is safe in order to boost open rates.

One of the greatest barriers to email marketing efficacy is content relevancy. The study reports that 41 percent of U.S. internet users would discontinue business with a company that did not offer information relevant to them. Thus, it is important to use this wide-reaching platform to help customers engage with the components of a brand that most interested them. Tailoring messages to unique demographics is one way to ensure marketing emails generate positive clicks.

Carefully constructing email marketing campaigns can be a good way to reach both computer and mobile users this year. The Pew Internet and American Life Project shows that more than one-third (34 percent) of smartphone users check their email via mobile devices.