For those U.S. internet marketers who didn’t wake up at 5 a.m. to watch the royal wedding, don’t worry – the major search engines have got it covered, as do countless enthusiastic social users. The social and search phenomenon surrounding the event is indicative of the power of the internet in sharing news, and marketers should be asking themselves how they can make their brands a relevant part of the conversation.

The social frenzy for info on the Royal Wedding started well before the big day. Last week, Brafton covered the demand for sneak peeks of Kate Middleton’s wedding dress (among other things), explaining several festive search phrases had spiked in the weeks preceding the event. Also, social users were constantly commenting on „the fascinator“ headpiece and „sapphire engagement rings.“

Now, the clamor for royal wedding coverage has reached new heights as Will and Kate said „I do“ today. At press time, the top 10 Google Trends are dominated by Royal Wedding-related phrases. On Twitter, #RoyalWedding is a top trend, and Google Realtime search results reveal second-to-second updates about the event.

Google The major search engines are all getting in on the action as well. Google is delivering a search doodle of the now-married couple riding through the streets of London in a carriage. (Even the Google Royal Wedding doodle is generating buzz, according to Google Realtime results.)

Bing’s homepage features Westminster Abbey and a special tab for the Royal Wedding. Bing When clicked, this brings users to a Visual Search result of all of the members of the royal family, though Kate has yet to appear on the first page of results. Bing Visual Search results

Yahoo is also getting in on the action with a Yahoo logo updated with wedding bells, a scrolling banner of a horse-drawn carriage and front page headlines about the event. Yahoo

Not to be left out, AOL has a homepage dedicated to the Royal Wedding today. The company features a purple banner and crown, a picture of the happy couple’s balcony kiss and a bevy of headlines for more information about the event (likely from AOL’s new full-time newsroom content writers). Yahoo

Cheers to a bright future for the couple and to the pervasive demand for newsworthy content on the web.