Marketers wanting to insert keywords into their online content to boost a site’s ranking should not rely on their product pages alone, an expert has urged.

Search engine optimization (SEO) specialist Matt Ridout, writing for SeoUnique’s blog, urged businesses to conduct thorough research to help them select the best keywords for their sites.

However, he added: „A sales page will not help you rank for a keyword; be informative and provide good detail on a page, include a click to action to your sales page if necessary.“

The main thing for a company to consider when writing or commissioning content is that it should be providing information its visitors will find useful and relevant, Mr Ridout added.

Recently, Tony Adam, writing for his SEO blog, suggested that much of the success of a search marketing campaign depends upon keyword research.

He asserted that keyword selection is such an important aspect of SEO that it should be one of the first things a marketer considers.