Lauren Kaye

Everybody’s doing content marketing these days, but if you’re not telling a great story, you’re missing the point. Data proves it. Over 60 percent of people remember stories, but only 5 percent remember individual stats. We’re going to look at  two very different companies that are telling great stories.

Click play to watch the video, or read the transcript below for a text version.

First: Buzzfeed and Friskie’s Dear Kitten video tells the heartwarming story about a house cat showing a new kitten the ropes as it welcomes it into its home. 

It’s cute, and funny – but what makes it work is that it really gets its audience. Friskie’s knows that any cat owner would want nothing more than to see what his cats get up to, and another great thing about the video? It doesn’t even focus that much on the products – this video’s about engagement. Brand storytelling

It confirms that cats like this food better, but it shows that in the larger narrative – and this is what’s particularly applicable for marketers. Your products might be the focus of your day, but they’re just a small part of your customers‘ daily lives.

Figure out what your audience cares about and give them what they love. Is it stats? Tell a story through data. And do it with some flair to entertain your audience- create a conflict and resolve it, with your product as the solution.

Second up, Wistia’s blog & its Non Sequitur Fridays – This video analytics company’s blog usually shares insights from its experts, like editing tips and strategy ideas. But it also breaks away from ‚business talk‘ once a week to let an employee share something personal, with pieces on why „Language Matters“ and „Lessons I learned from Comic Con.“
Wistia Blog Non Sequitor Friday

It works because humanizes the brand. You can go to lots of companies for marketing tips and tricks, but you may go return to Wistia because you’ve built a personal connection with the people there. You already know they’re experts and you can trust them.

The great thing about this is that it’s B2B and B2C friendly, but that doesn’t mean it’s for every marketer. This approach might feel risky to some, because it doesn’t directly relate back to the products. Before you make company culture the focus of your campaign, make sure people know what you offer and come to you for THAT, but don’t limit your story to your products. Give your blog a personal touch and show prospects why you’re the kind of people they want to work with.

These are just two examples, but I’d love to know what other content marketing stories you’ve come across. Let us know in the comments section or by tweeting at Brafton.