Marketing Werkzeuge

Welcome to The Brafton Blog, where we share insights and updates on all things content marketing. From keeping up with the latest industry trends and best practices to getting a glimpse into life at Brafton, our blog has something for everyone. Our team of marketing experts are here to provide actionable tips and advice to help you drive success for your business.

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Marketing Werkzeuge Chad Hetherington

Top 10 SaaS Marketing Tools

No matter the personal opinions you hold about software as a service (SaaS), the allure of the business model has been around for a while. Why? Because it can offer some hearty benefits, especially for your marketing team and remote workers. With more people working from home than ever before, SaaS marketing tools enable collaboration… Weiter »

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Marketing Werkzeuge Jessica Barker

How To Build a Content Creation Workflow in 6 Steps

What is content creation without a workflow? Quite likely, a flurry of email attachments passed back and forth beneath a cloud of frustration. It probably involves confusion around creative direction, due dates and task ownership as well — which today’s marketing teams simply can’t afford.  In a world where attention spans are fleeting and competition… Weiter »

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Marketing Werkzeuge Chad Hetherington

Top 10 Best Marketing Planning Software Platforms

Marketing is complex. There are a lot of moving parts across creative teams such as design, copy production, SEO, PPC and more, which can make production and coordination confusing if everyone’s not on the same page. Streamlined communication across multiple teams and stakeholders is paramount for success. Who’s responsible for what? Where can internal stakeholders… Weiter »

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Marketing Werkzeuge Chad Hetherington

Marketing Communication Planning Frameworks: Maximizing Your Marketing Efforts

Marketing communications planning frameworks help marketers organize, develop and distribute key information to stakeholders and their target audience. Without them, people who should be informed remain unwillingly ignorant, which can damage ROI and weaken relationships. Here, we’re talking all about marketing communications planning frameworks, including what they are, how to build one and the power… Weiter »

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Marketing Werkzeuge Rebeka Meszaros

Top 10 Visual Marketing Platforms to Boost Your Strategy

Visual marketing has become the unsung hero in a digital world where grabbing someone’s attention feels like catching smoke with your bare hands. Think of this article as your backstage pass to the rockstars of visual marketing tools — you are getting the VIP experience. We’re not just skimming the surface; we’re going on a… Weiter »

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