Molly Buccini

Just as variety is the spice of a successful content marketing strategy, a variety of skillsets also makes for a successful strategist. Undoubtedly a CMS needs to have knowledge of a best uses for various editorial formats, SEO and metrics analyses, but they also need a personality that’s driven to deliver client satisfaction.

More often than not, success comes through hands-on experience, which is where our operations support associate role comes in. This entry role gives less tenured marketers opportunities to work with senior strategists on campaign development and achieve Google Analytics certification – all before client relations begin.

Andrew Lee, who started at Brafton in 2012, went above and beyond as a marketing research associate and is now thriving as one of Brafton’s first operations support associates.

“I had always been interested in the operations department because I’m a numbers guy, and I really like the fact that through this position I can transition into a content marketing strategy role,” he said.  “Training to become a thought leader in our space of content marketing, and getting support to prepare for advising and educating clients on best practices is definitely what’s been most exciting.”

Before coming to Brafton, Andrew hadn’t realized content marketing was the right fit for him. It was through taking on cross departmental projects that he was able to find what piqued his interest.

“If you’re unsure of what career direction you want to take, you should take on many varied projects and I’m glad I’ve had the chance to do that at Brafton,” he said. “Personally, it helped me understand the amount of work that goes into all the small things and to decide what department I most wanted to be part of.”

Learn more about Andrew in our Brafton Q&A:

Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a psychologist because I like understanding what makes people unique and swapping stories

Q: What do you think is the most important quality needed for success?

Passion for what you do. There’s no greater motivation than doing what you love.

Q: What do you value most in a job?

Constant growth and learning because otherwise work would not be challenging or engaging. Camaraderie also goes a long way toward fulfillment.

Andrew GuitarQ: What is your most treasured possession?

I have several guitars that are near and dear to me. I still have my first electric guitar, a squire strat. It’s as dear to me as B.B. King’s guitar „Lucille.“

Q: What personality trait are you always trying to improve?

Creativity, the more creative you are the more opportunities you have to do things better.

Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?

I’m most productive on Monday, because I abstain from coffee on the weekends and am still reeling from the excitement that is Game of Thrones.

Q: What’s your favorite aspect of your job?

Variety is the spice of life; I love doing many different things throughout the day.

Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Aiding in the construction of a Quaduckin last Thanksgiving- Two quails inside of a duck inside of a chicken with bacon duck fat gravy and three kinds of stuffing.

Q: Have any „hidden talents“ ?

Like many other Braftonians I like to play music. I usually play singer songwriter stuff but on occasion I dabble on violin.

Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?

I would be Glenn from the Walking Dead because he fights for the people he loves.

Learn more about Brafton’s career openings here.