Molly Buccini

Back in college, Alex said he had no sense of proper punctuation. If you’d asked him two years ago what content marketing was, he wouldn’t have had an answer. This might have been a “red-flag” candidate for our content writer position – but Alex Dorian has made a big impact in the year he’s been with us – both in our Boston office and with our clients.

Alex’s expertise lies in writing about the technical – big data, cloud “and all the stuff that’s made me look up news about IBM in my spare time.”

Perhaps unsurprising since he writes about technology, the content he likes to write best requires him to understand complex topics.

“White papers, hands down are my favorite type of content to produce,” he said. “My favorite part of writing is the research and investigation that goes into creating a well-crafted piece, and white papers certainly require you to do some digging.”

Lucky for us, Alex is not only a great writer, but a generally entertaining person to have around the office. Whether he’s acquainting new writers to the Bizology team or doing a solo Ice Bucket Challenge video for Brafton – he’s a team player through and through.

“My team is the greatest part of Brafton,” he said. “If anybody tried to take me away from them, I would scratch, claw and kick until they told me I could stay.”

Learn more about Alex in our Brafton Q&A:

Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to track down poachers and throw them in jail. Jack Hannah was my idol, Ranger Rick was my go-to magazine and the thought of a dead animal was the worst thing in the world to me.

Q: What do you think is the most important quality needed for success?

I guess the type of ambition that makes you break the rules every once in a while. Taking the chance to do something somewhat unorthodox can pay off.

“My favorite part of writing is the research and investigation that goes into creating a well-crafted piece.“

Q: What do you value most in a job?

How much my employer values me. If my boss doesn’t feel as if my skills and effort are worth anything, then it’s difficult for me to care about what I’m doing and how I’m doing it.

Q: What is your most treasured possession?

My copy of “Blood Meridian” by Cormac McCarthy. That novel is without a doubt the most thought-provoking piece of literature I have ever read. It took everything I thought I knew about the world, turned it on its head, chewed it up and spit it back out. It’s corny to say that, but my perception of my environment was more challenged by reading “Meridian” than  “The Great Gatsby” or any of the other books I was forced to read in high school.

Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?


"Dingoes at Dinnertime"
„Dingoes at Dinnertime“
Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement?

When I was nine, I came up with a title for a “Magic Tree House” book – “Dingoes at Dinnertime.” I sent a letter to the author (or the publisher, who knows?) and about two weeks later I received a reply telling me they were going to use it. Don’t remember if I ever got a free copy. I still can’t believe that happened.

Q: Have any „hidden talents“?

I’m not the best, but I’m a pretty decent deer hunter. I never had the heart to take an animal (or the money to buy a license), but there’s something really soothing about spending hours tracking a buck in the middle of nowhere.

Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?

Ricky from “Trailer Park Boys.” I’m obnoxious, bombastic and, despite the fact that I write for a living, misuse common phrases or words that are “too big for me.”

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