Ted Karczewski

​Video viewing in the United States skyrocketed in 2012, growing by 59 percent year-over-year. However, when marketers look at the global picture, the U.S. is only the tip of the iceberg. International audiences can be reached via video, and the U.S. isn’t even among the top 10 in terms of video viewership. What nations make the list? Argentina achieves a 95.6 percent video content viewership rate, while Canada comes in second with a penetration rate of 91.9 percent, according to October 2012 comScore data.

Businesses that target North American consumers should focus on building video marketing campaigns that reach buyers from Florida all the way to Vancouver. In fact, brands might want to allocate even more resource toward reaching Canadian shoppers. Research firm eMarketer projects that Canadian advertisers will spend approximately $181.3 million on online video content this year, and the source expects spending to increase to $360.5 million by 2016.

new study from Videology shows that certain industry sectors have already begun to use video marketing to cast wider lead​ ​generation nets. According to data from the source, there were 77.1 million online video impressions in Canada in the fourth quarter of 2012, and the consumer goods category presented approximately 38 percent of those digital clips. Videology notes that percentage is more than double the share of the next largest sector – entertainment (17 percent).

„More than those in the U.S. or the U.K., Canadian marketers truly implement cross-device video strategies, including online, mobile and connected TV,“ Senior Vice President of North American sales for Videology Brian Danzis told eMarketer.

Perhaps most interesting about Videology’s study is that three-fourths of video content clips were geotargeted. This practice is increasingly essential for brands reaching Canadian markets because location often determines which language is spoken and the availability of products.