Molly Buccini

In today’s Content & Coffee, we’re talking about one page on your website that you’re probably not giving enough attention. It’s the resource center or blog archive page – where all of your blog and news stories, press releases and gated assets live.

Here’s what these pages look like on

brafton blog brafton resouces

We just completed a study of our clients in the B2B software space -and  blog or news archive and hubpages actually got more earned links than individual posts. This makes sense – when other websites want to share your content, they want to direct people to the freshest news on your site – a resource center has your latest posts front and center.

When it comes to creating a strong resource center, we recommend the following:

Dates and bylines, so people have a clear perspective of how often you’re publishing

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Images to capture readers‘ attention, and build brand awareness if you’re using custom images

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Social sharing buttons so people can easily share them on social networks if they found the information useful

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A breadcrumb URL so you can easily track traffic to the resource center and see which pieces of the most successful

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Earning merit-based links through your research center is something to strive for. When another website organically links to your site – it means they value what you’re saying enough to share it with their audience. 

Learn more about link building strategies here: