Lauren Kaye

The big data buzz has died down slightly, but marketers are still chomping at the bit to turn their Google Analytics, social media marketing data and contact lists into actionable information. With insight into individuals‘ buying behavior, preferences and histories, brands can deliver just the right message at the optimal moment to capitalize on real-time trends.

A recent Monetate eBook explains that companies miss opportunities to maximize ROI when they become so overwhelmed by data that they can’t parse through it for meaningful insights. For instance, their analytics might show that a high volume of search traffic comes from internet users in Illinois, but their conversions from the state are lower than other regions. With this data, marketers can launch specific tests to determine what digital content compels those visitors to convert, and which efforts fall flat.

For instance, Brafton recently reported that an ecommerce site’s highest spenders might not be trendy, urban professionals who don’t have enough time to visit brick-and-mortar locations. Rural buyers actually have the highest Customer Lifetime Value because they have fewer options in their immediate communities and are more likely to turn to the web for specialty items.

If companies want to increase conversions and inspire loyalty from these high-price – tag buyers, they can use audience targeting to determine which branded content is most effective. For some demographics, a discounted price will seal the deal, while free shipping or fast deliveries might be more appealing to others. Marketers who identify this sweet spot can generate highly effective content marketing campaigns that not only bring traffic to brands‘ websites, but also contribute enough education insight, entertainment and engagement to convert consumers.