Gregory Rich

Noticed anything different when searching the web? On September 1, Google changed its logo and people are wondering if this has to do with its new parent company, Alphabet.Other recent updates also suggest big search engine marketing changes.

I’m Katherine Griwert with Brafton, and this content and coffee, we’re giving you a recap of summer’s biggest SEO updates.

First, search got social: Google announced Vines and Pins are now included  in mobile search carousels and Tweets officially rolled out in all search results, further proving that a cross-channel content strategy enhances search presence. We noted a lot of interest social search results, at least from our clients, with requests for social promotion spiking.

But people seemed less plussed about Google’s Panda 4.2 which rolled out in July marketing the first Panda update in over 10 months. It supposedly impacted 2-3% of queries, but it’s unclear why sites have been impacted, and which are the biggest losers.

Wikipedia could be among them. Reports leaked this summer that Wiki page views „with no referral source“ are down, and this likely represents Google-sourced visitors.

Google’s fast answer cards could be overtaking Wiki’s in-depth, encyclopedic answers. Putting pertinent information upfront might be the way to drive search clicks, especially because quick items like answer cards appeal to rising mobile searchers.

Mobile seems to be the biggest area for search growth. comScore reports Google desktop search was stagnant or slightly down through the summer, meanwhile Google’s earlier released mobile algorithm puts a premium on the mobile user experience. Paying more attention to mobile UX is good practice for users, let alone SEO. And I have to ask: Have we finally reached the tipping point where marketers are putting user needs above SEO tactics? 79% of brands have no SEO plans in their budgets.

What part of your marketing budget is helping you get seen in search? And what do you consider the biggest search shake up of the summer? Tell us in the comments, or send us a Tweet @Brafton. And check back next Monday for your weekly Content & Coffee Talk.