How to use Industry News for Content Marketing

With nearly $16 billion devoted to digital content marketing in the last year, the content landscape is demanding and competitive: Your brand needs to constantly have something fresh and relevant to say to engage consumers and draw convertible website traffic. More, if you want to achieve visibility among your audiences in the first place, you need to create content that meets quality standards for search and social sharing.

Industry news can fuel your business with a sustainable stream of story leads so you never have to worry about “what to say.” It’s research-based, it’s always evolving and there’s undoubtedly something happening in the world (and on the world wide web) that matters for your business and to your prospects.

More than 500 Brafton clients are believers in the power of news-centric content marketing to drive search visibility, social interactions, website traffic and conversions. In this white paper, we explore how you can use industry news for content marketing that fuels your brand with leads from across the web.

You’ll learn:

  • Why high-quality, frequently updated content is necessary for SEO and social marketing.
  • What types of content drive audience engagement across channels.
  • How „industry news“ is changing – and why it’s in high-demand.
  • How your brand can leverage industry trends to generate demand for your business offerings.
  • Strategies for aligning industry news content with conversion funnels.
  • Tips to maximize research-based industry news and create a variety of related content for marketing.

Brafton is a news and content marketing agency, born out of a traditional newsroom. This white paper shares industry data and insights to demonstrate why we are dedicated to helping partners harness the power of relevant trends and news developments to build their businesses on the web (even though we offer a variety of content types and graphics). Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more.