Yahoo has announced it is launching Version 2 of BOSS (its build your own search service), and site developers should take note that BOSS-powered on-site searches will now be sourced by Microsoft's search index.

When Yahoo first announced BOSS V2 back in February, Brafton reported that this version would come with a new price structure. Site owners will pay 80 cents per thousand queries for full web searches, while „image only“ or „news only“ searches will cost 30 cents and 10 cents per thousand queries, respectively.

Another change is that on-site query results will be powered by Bing. ComScore's latest search engine rankings reveal that Bing seems to be gaining ground among searchers, fielding nearly 30 percent of explicit core searches across Yahoo and Microsoft sites in February.

Businesses that want to bring BOSS V2 to their sites can visit Yahoo's developer page to learn more.