Lauren Kaye

Marketers in the medical profession know there is growing demand for reliable information, but they should note that individuals consumers aren’t the only ones who want access. A Kantar Media study found 87 percent of doctors turn to the ’net to read articles about medical topics and conduct industry research. Healthcare brands need to fill this information gap with well-researched pieces that provide doctors with data and insights that can help them to make more informed decisions.

Web content demands span topical spectrums, with 68 percent of medical professionals seeking information to assist with prescribing decisions and 71 percent looking for procedural counsel. On the other hand, 73 percent of doctors want medical news updates.

Overall, the study revealed that web content is universally desired among members of the healthcare community as doctors become more technologically savvy and move primarily to digital recording methods. It seems logical because the shift to electronic medical records puts healthcare providers in front of computer screens more often and makes it easier to research technical topics online.

Smart brands will buck tradition and create highly-researched articles that supply medical doctors and other healthcare professionals with the on-demand information they need.

 87 percent of doctors research medical topics online

Companies are breaking down the barriers that have kept care providers from relying on the web for professional research and marketing. In fact, a PricewaterhouseCoopers report revealed 54 percent of patients say they are comfortable or very comfortable with the idea of their doctors turning to online communities for information about how best to treat medical conditions.

Doctors aren’t relying on paper charts anymore, and brands that want to reach providers or patients must also break out of the medical-journal-only approach and build online content archives online to effectively reach their ideal audiences.