Ted Karczewski

Hunger compels people to perform a variety of tasks. For some, picking up the phone and dialing the local takeout kiosk down the street makes the most sense, but for many others, cooking remains a fun activity. In the recent Sullivan Higdon and Sink’s FoodThink study, Cooking in America, 78 percent of U.S. consumers say they enjoy preparing their own meals and 74 percent wish they had more time to dedicate to cooking each night. An increasing number of people are inspired to cook after consuming related web media.

Food marketers may have feared Americans were shying away from preparing their own meals, in favor of quick-cooking dishes. However, consumers not only enjoy the culinary art, but they actively search out new recipes to experiment with in the kitchen. Brafton reported BlogHer data that showed 92 percent of survey respondents use the web to find food-related digital content. In some instances, internet users look for recipes, but entertaining blogs also captivate niche audiences. Regardless of the search intent, 83 percent of respondents have purchased items as a result of food-related web content.

While the BlogHer data shows Americans use the ’net for food-related searches, and information from the Cooking in America study shows people wish they had more time to prepare meals, many food marketers wonder how their web content can convert leads. One Brafton client shows the right way to use food to inspire online leads – even when a brand is not strictly in the food industry.

In a recent interview with senior community housing brand Sunrise Senior Living, Brafton highlighted that the business sees significant traffic to its Senior Eats blog and dining landing page, and the company credits these sections to conversions. How important is custom content for food shoppers? When it comes to finding a caregiver home for an ageing relative, gourmet meals can make or break the deal. Sunrise understood this fact clearly, and with Americans showing rising interest in cooking, food marketers should hit the web to tout their recipes, brands, products and expertise to generate new sales.