Molly Buccini

Mobile search queries have officially surpassed desktop, and to reach viewers on the go, marketers have to determine what kinds of marketing content will make the biggest impact. Luckily, searchers have taken guesswork out of the equation, because new research from Google shows that mobile “how-to” searches on YouTube are growing 70 percent year-over-year.

We’re living in an era when people don’t want to have to wait to learn a new skillset or to find out how to use a product – they want to search for an answer and find a solution within seconds.

Video as an educational tool isn’t a new concept – but marketers have caught on that this is the best format to engage someone who wants an answer fast. For mobile users, this makes sense: a video relays information in less time than it would take to read a how-to guide.  

On YouTube, 67 percent of Millennials say they can learn about any topic they’d like through how-to videos. Source: ThinkWithGoogle 

While the most popular how-to videos are generally in the B2C space, ranging from home improvement to beauty and cooking – this doesn’t mean B2Bs should ignore the action. Since the purpose of how-to videos is to educate, B2Bs use them to walk clients through how to use new products and services. Existing customers can learn about updates and best practices, and prospective clients will see how easy it is to integrate with their businesses.

We practice this at Brafton, with an entire playlist dedicated to content marketing how-to videos, like this one: 

4 Tips for better how-to marketing videos

  • Keep it short. If you have tons of information to go through, consider making a series that addresses each talking point instead of one, super-long video.

  • Ask a non-expert if they understand what you’re explaining. Sometimes as the professional, we forget that our audience might not be familiar with the technical terms we discuss.

  • Include accompanying text. While videos are certainly effective – you need to cater to every audience member, including those who prefer reading. Get your foot through the door with a video, but users interested in learning more via reading have a solution as well.

  • Get at the top of the how-to searches: Conduct a YouTube search with „how to“ in quotes and variations on your long tail/head keywords. Check out the videos that are already available and look for information gaps you can fill.


The web is quickly becoming a place where people go to learn. At Brafton, we produce videos for clients that offer educational takeaways to show their target audiences why they’re the go-to business in the industry. Learn more about video marketing services and YouTube for marketing