
Generation X, which encompasses consumers between the ages of 34 to 45, avidly uses both traditional and digital channels to research products and services, a new eMarketer report suggests. The report indicates that shifting behaviors mean online video content can capture this audience's attention – and perhaps cash.

While television is crucial to reaching these individuals, so too are online content marketing channels. For example, eMarketer found that 74.2 percent of Generation X consumers – 43.3 million Americans – will watch online videos this year. This demographic represents the largest online video audience. Overall, 88 percent of Gen X consumers are avid web users, and that number will increase to 90.9 percent by 2015.

„To effectively engage with Gen X, brands need a strategy that incorporates multiple channels – including mobile, social and online video – with authentic, relevant messaging,“ the eMarketer study explains.

Regardless of which generation online video marketing efforts are targeting, the key is being honest, Orabrush CMO Jeff Harmon asserts. Focusing on clear user benefits is necessary for successful video content marketing, he told SES San Francisco attendees. For his company's popular YouTube video, Harmon set out to candidly explain how the Orabrush worked more effectively than competitors' products, which he believes led to the success of the campaign.