Ted Karczewski

​Twitter can’t stand still for a second these days, updating features to improve usability and offering new benefits to marketers. The social media network recently edited its Media Galleries function to include a „view all“ option. While Twitter previously had this feature positioned below a user’s visual media files, the site subsequently removed the option, forcing members to go through social media content one by one to see every image or video file uploaded by an account.

The reemergence of the „view all“ function is great news for brands and marketers looking to leverage new Twitter Card options. The feature will allow followers to view an entire gallery of media, so product images, campaign flyers or video content campaigns can once again flourish on the network. To view an account’s entire media library, users can click on the grid icon in left side bar of a profile, and Twitter will present a list of visual media.

The reborn feature supports the introduction of two new Twitter Cards – the gallery and product options. The former allows brands to upload up to four images at once and Tweet them out in a single message. Launching a new product and want to showcase different angles of the item? The gallery Card will show off the beauty of the offering, and the „view all“ function will allow followers to revisit the images quickly from their accounts.

The product Card, which allows companies to market direct sales via Twitter, will also count as visual media. When a follower clicks the „view all“ option to review his favorite brand’s pictures, he might also come across advertised products and convert shortly after.

While the „view all“ option may seem like a small adjustment, it has big implications for businesses, and highlights another savvy move made by Twitter that can boost marketing efforts.