Alex Butzbach

More brands are realizing the power of consistently streaming content through social media marketing channels. A new report from Simply Measured focuses on around 140,000 Tweets from the top 100 social marketing brands, and it turns out these companies are seeing positive upticks in engagement and followers thanks to steady posting.

Since Q4 of 2014, most brands (49 percent)  have Tweeted between 1 and 5 times each day. Some have posted more often (36 percent published between 6 and 25 Tweets daily), but for the most part, companies are releasing a steady but not-overpowering stream of content. In that same timeframe, Twitter accounts saw an 83 percent boost in engagement and a 27 percent bump in followers. Clearly, these businesses are doing something right: Providing consistent social fodder for their followers.

Rome – and Twitter strategies – aren’t built in a day

Not every marketer has the luxury of working for top brands like Apple, Disney and Pepsi. But all brands can take a page out of the top tier’s book and commit to a Twitter plan that caters to a specific audience.

We helped a client in the health and beauty industry create a social framework that built a dialogue with users and increased engagement. How? By posting multiple times daily and listening to the audience.

After months of consistently publishing and shaping social posts to make sure they kept pace with the rest of the industry, the results were encouraging:

 A 40 percent increase in total followers
 91 percent more Favorites
 194 percent more replies
 A 159 percent boost in Retweets

There is no downtime for successful social media marketing campaigns. While one brand has paused its Tweets or Pins to work on strategy, another is filling followers‘ feeds with content and taking part in conversations that improve posts going forward. A steady stream, coupled with a commitment to listening and learning, will build followers and engagement in the long haul and prime any brand for online success.