Molly Buccini

Hey all, Molly Buccini here with this week’s Content and Coffee. Click ‚play‘ on the video or scroll down to read a transcript of today’s installment. 

Summer has unofficially started, and while it means great weather and vacations, we’ve noticed that some B2B marketers treat the time between Memorial and Labor Day as a slow season. Your emails constantly get out-of-office replies, and you have a sneaking suspicion that people aren’t fully engaged with your content.

Whether you realize it or not, summertime means that the year is half over, so now is the perfect time to keep momentum going. When I’m working on community posts for Brafton, I’m always on the lookout for new engagement ideas – and here are three examples that will inspire you to keep your audience interested when they’d rather think about that upcoming barbecue:

1. Think Local: There have been a lot of updates to Foursquare and its new check-in platform, Swarm, which should remind you that if you want people to promote your brick and mortar location, try giving them an incentive – for example, the 50th person to check-in gets a $10 gift card to your business. Plus, when people are out and about, they’re going to be searching on their smartphones. So it’s critical that you have a local presence online.

2. Think Fun: Check out Grubhub’s Caption Contest on Facebook – they’re asking readers to caption fun photos, and one winner gets rewarded for their effort. This is a great idea because it’s quick, painless, and something your audience can do sitting by the pool. Best of all: You’re getting your audience to create content marketing materials for you, which is extremely helpful when your whole team is on vacation. 

3. Think Mobile: Sure, prospects are more likely to be away from their desks over the summer, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be surfing the internet on their mobile devices. In fact, 65% of users open email from their smartphone or tablets – so summer is the perfect opportunity to revamp your newsletter strategy so you can reach your viewers whenever and where ever. 

Thanks for watching – see you next time.