Joe Meloni

In an interview with Brafton, Ken Barhoover, marketing manager at Park Place Technologies, said diversity of content is critical to the success of web marketing efforts. For companies in the B2B sector, it’s inevitable that prospects and primary contacts will hold different positions in their companies. Barhoover points out that it’s critical to ensure that there is relevant content on a website that will appeal to people in each of these positions.

Ken Barhoover, marketing manager at Park Place Technologies, said a diverse content strategy has help his company build its web presence.
Ken Barhoover, Marketing Manager, Park Place Technologies

A diverse web content campaign that includes news content marketing, in-depth white papers and/or infographics can help organizations demonstrate their authority in a number of ways. Whether a piece is aimed at the informational needs of a CEO, CIO or mid-level marketing manager, it’s important that website content targets each of these positions.

„Creating content for each persona you’re likely to target or hear from is critical,“ Barhoover said. „Agility to adjust your content or the way you produce it to focus on what’s working or what your prospects want and what isn’t working is a key factor of any successful web marketing campaign.“

It’s essential to use analytics to determine what’s working with specific audiences and develop smart strategies based on results. Looking at his own marketing campaigns, Barhoover said „I don’t decide what content we share. Our website visitors do.“

Despite the significance of creating content best suited for prospects, many marketers struggle to define their audiences effectively. No matter how well-written an article is or how attractive and informative an infographic is, content will fail to achieve its goal if it doesn’t appeal to the right audience. Brafton recently conducted a poll that found more than 68 percent of marketers named creating content that is targeted properly as their biggest issue.