Joe Meloni

Social media marketing campaigns that touched on football chatter likely scored big over the weekend. Aside from the actual parts of the evening where football was being played, the commercials broadcast during Sunday’s Super Bowl were one of the most talked about events of the night. Matthew Broderick’s pseudo-reprisal of Ferris Bueller for a Honda commercial and John Stamos‘ spot for Oikos yogurt were among the favorites. 

The commercials demonstrated the growing value of social media marketing, with eight commercials using hashtags or mentioning Twitter and the same amount urging viewers to go to a Facebook page. Meanwhile, Google+ received no mentions from any of the companies advertising during the game.

Bud Light Platinum’s TV spots were the most aggressive with social elements. The new beer from Budweiser was featured in two different commercials, and the „MakeItPlatinum“ hashtag appeared in each of them. The commercials were popular enough for the hashtag to become a trending topic throughout the game.

Others using hashtags or mentioning Twitter included Best Buy, GE, H&M, and Jack in the Box.

Meanwhile, Dr. Seuss‘ the Lorax, coming to theaters soon, mentioned the movie’s Facebook page. Other companies did the same, including a Facebook logo and advising viewers to Like the page for further information.

Brafton recently reported that businesses have used the Super Bowl and other trending topics to drive traffic to their websites or attention to social media marketing campaigns. With the Super Bowl now over for the year, other good events to leverage include award shows and the upcoming presidential election.