Lauren Kaye

During Facebook’s recent Q2 Earnings Report, the company highlighted a number of positive announcements. For one, there are now more than 1.15 billion monthly active users, approximately 75 percent of whom are logging in one or more times a day, according to Brafton. It’s this type of member advocacy that makes Facebook the optimal distribution channel for video content. Marketers don’t have to worry about buying expensive TV ad spots as they are getting prime real estate in followers‘ News Feeds, according to a recent Nielsen study.

Commissioned by Facebook, that data Nielsen collected in the „Running Digital Audiences, Walking Advertising Dollars“ report reveals that video marketing has vastly more reach with consumers between the ages of 25 and 34 on Facebook than it does on TV networks alone. During daytime slots, Facebook accounts for approximately 40 percent of all impressions, while four evaluated networks showcase around 10 percent each.

Television networks had an edge during prime-time spots, the report revealed. All four broadcasters outpaced Facebook for reach during evening hours. It’s important to note that duplicate reach (individuals watching television and engaging on Facebook) beat both channels individually. More than one-third of consumers can be reached online and through TV programming during prime time, while traditional media will reach approximately 25 percent of potential viewers.

It should come as no surprise to marketers who target younger audiences that people are streaming more digital media on the web. Around 183 million Americans watched an estimated 44 billion online videos during June 2013, according to comScore’s latest data. However, a dual-channel approach might require a strategic shift.

Considering that video marketing reaches the most viewers when broadcast over traditional and digital media, brands may need to determine how to marry their online and offline practices for maximum engagement.