Ted Karczewski

Hi, I’m Stefanie Daulizio, and welcome to this week’s content and coffee with Brafton. We’ll talk about how website optimization and blog content can help you acquire and retain customers.

You can’t be everywhere web leads are at once – not that you thought it possible – but many marketers try to field every customer demand themselves and fail to let their websites do enough of the talking. What is content marketing for if not to educate web searchers looking for quick answers?

Constant Contact wanted to understand how various online marketing tactics fare for both customer acquisition and retention. After surveying more than 1,300 professionals, websites and blog content were found to strike an even balance in effectively winning new leads and keeping existing clients‘ interest. More so than any other channel. Social media marketing wasn’t far behind, though, as companies have learned to embrace social care on Facebook, Twitter and beyond.

It’s great to know that website optimization and corporate blogging pay off with higher conversion rates, among new and repeat customers, but not any old strategy will work. Marketers have to understand what people in different buying stages want and what it takes to cultivate and maintain relationships with consumers – then turn those insights into informative posts. Hitting on prospective buyers‘ pain points or customers‘ ongoing challenges in articles will help support the sales processes already in place.

Because 41 percent of site sales come from repeat customers, marketers must find ways to keep visitors coming back for more content. I advise every marketer to evaluate how his or her company manages acquisition and retention programs – are the right resources in place to succeed? Could custom content published online or sent via email help build rapport with wavering clientele? There’s only one way to find out, and I bet you won’t be disappointed with the return.

Catch you next week, and happy content marketing.