Ted Karczewski

​Mobile technology has changed how people use the internet. While a high percentage of consumers still embark on extended research ventures to find products, a comparable volume of shoppers hit the ’net from their phones and tablets to make quick purchasing decisions. According to new data from Adobe, tablets and smartphones drive significant web traffic. In fact, tablets recently surpassed their mobile counterparts, totaling 8 percent of all mobile-site views. (Smartphones make up 7 percent.)

Mobile internet use is up, and retailers benefit directly

Online retailer eBay also released mobile metrics that noted that one third of all site transactions originate on or touch mobile devices at some point. Tablets generate 55 percent more sales today than they did last year. Consumers may use a variety of devices to research products, but an increasingly higher percentage of people convert on mobile devices, especially tablets. Marketers must see this transition as a trend, not a fad, and optimize their internet marketing campaigns to reach on-the-go mobile users.

Moms on the ’net buy frequently

Marketers who notice that a percentage of their sites‘ visitors come from mobile devices must produce online media that engages these shoppers. A recent report from women’s mobile network Alt12 discovered that 70 percent of mothers reported using their smartphones or tablet devices to shop online in 2012. One-third of surveyed moms said half of their shopping time is spent on mobile phones and tablets. The data also highlighted that nine in 10 moms shopped significantly longer on mobile technology in 2012 than in 2011.

Social media content compels mothers to convert

Approximately 47 percent of surveyed moms use social networking applications to decide on what to purchase.

Where do mothers spend their time online learning about new products? Approximately 47 percent of surveyed moms use social networking applications to decide on what to purchase. Social media marketing can reach female consumers on the conversion cusp, and well-written content might compel viewers to buy immediately.

As consumers spend more of their time online via mobile devices, marketing professionals must adapt their strategies to reach prospective and current customers across the web, no matter their access point. A smarter content strategy includes mobile, and much of the marketplace continues to move in that direction.