Ted Karczewski

Businesses just discovering the benefits of content marketing likely want to explore every angle to avoid falling behind the curve. Video marketing, for example, has emerged as the latest and greatest way to engage with prospects throughout the sales cycle, but challenges prevent brands from delivering media that resonates with niche audiences.

Best In Class VideoAccording to The Aberdeen Group report, „Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video Marketing,“ many marketers struggle to find their niche – or voice – with video. Fifty-four percent of surveyed marketers said that competitive noise in their respective target market makes it difficult to develop unique campaigns. More, 38 percent blame their lack of video content creation on their budgets, 37 percent credit their inability to convert leads as concerning and 30 percent said their ineffective focus hampers their campaigns.

In an earlier report from Aberdeen Group, best-in-class brands used video content for a variety of purposes. For example, 67 percent produced visual media for market awareness, 60 percent to improve conversion rates, 53 percent to nurture leads and 33 percent to follow up with past customers post-sale. This indicates that organizations have extensive goals for their campaigns, which might not always be the best case scenario. For smaller businesses struggling to find their niche, focusing on one goal and exploring opportunities within that avenue may lead to greater success. This helps narrow the focus of any strategy and develops a clear, authoritative tone that carries through into new strategies down the line.