Emma Siemasko

A rainbowed palette and a festive glow – new research conducted by KISSmetrics reveals that visual appearance in terms of color changes the way customers buy. For marketers building portfolios of diverse content including images, graphics and videos, color theory might be worth a glance. For social media strategists working to create compelling campaigns on sites like Pinterest, Tumblr and Flickr, it’s important to consider what colors lead to conversions.

According to research from KISSmetric, brands that improved coloring in their branding experienced an 80 percent increase in brand recognition, which leads to customer confidence. Additionally, 85 percent of shoppers say color is a reason they buy certain products. Some are more likely to buy a blue mug than a red one, for example. Some may be more willing to click a green button than an orange one, even if both make the same transaction and say the same thing.

So, how do the colors break down? How can brands leverage color based on their audiences? According to KISSmetrics, red, orange, black and royal blue are likely to appeal to impulse shoppers and can be used by fast food joints, outlets and clearance sales. Navy and teal comfort shoppers who are on a budget. These colors may work for banks and larger department stores, reported KISSmetrics.

It’s not just colors, it’s language, too. All sorts of forces are at work influencing sales. Fifty-two percent of consumers are more likely to go into a brick-and-mortar store if there’s a sale sign in the window. Custom content generated for websites that include words like „bargain,“ „sale“ and „deal“ may drive more traffic. Sixty-four percent of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts if sites are too slow, so its crucial to have an IT department on board, willing to make sure sites are speedy.

Brafton has reported that articles with photos see 47 percent more clicks, showing that visual content is important in content marketing. If writers, marketers and experts carefully choose images with certain color schemes, they may be able to better target the right audiences.