Ted Karczewski

When marketers are developing their 2013 strategies, their attention may go toward content marketing, social media marketing and video content creation. However, brands should not forget that pay-per click (PPC) efforts continue to offer valuable results to businesses, and companies should dedicate some amount of resource to the practice.

PPC Budget Spend 2012According to Webmarketing123’s „State of Digital Marketing 2012“ report, 54 percent of B2B companies and 22 percent of B2C marketers say that lead generation remains their top priority moving into 2013. Perhaps businesses will better achieve this objective next year with the help of PPC.

The study found that 64 percent of B2B and 73 percent of B2C organizations already use PPC to drive leads. Of those brands that use PPC for a variety of purposes, 44 percent of B2B and 42 percent of B2C companies devote in-house resources to build effective campaigns. Twenty percent of professionals who outsource their PPC campaigns to agencies report being highly satisfied, compared to only 15 percent who develop initiatives in house. In 2013, it might be time to outsource PPC.

The source also notes that 31 percent of B2B and 40 percent of B2C companies will increase spending on PPC. Brands that want to keep up with the competition can’t forget about paid advertising next year.