Joe Meloni

On Tuesday, Bottlenose, a social discovery engine, rolled out in beta. The site aims to provide its users insights to trending content throughout the web in real time. According to the company’s blog, it’s designed for both consumers and companies to track conversations around their niche or the web in general.

Moving away from search, which provides users with indexed web content, Bottlenose hopes to make the web an instantly gratifying place for people to find and share relevant content. Billing itself as the „Now Engine,“ the platform allows users to connect their different social accounts to the site. Additionally, users can select which categories or sectors they want content about, which could be good for marketers providing relevant industry updates.

Marketers currently using social media marketing do so to provide users with relevant content in hopes of driving conversions. While Bottlenose’s complete value to marketers is undetermined, it can, at the very least, help companies determine what their prospects and target audiences are discussing at the moment to inform later content. Moreover, the network provides a strong avenue for prospects to consumer branded content.

The current social media market is pretty well established, with Pinterest being the latest platform to rise among the major players. However, it will be interesting to see if Bottlenose’s concept attracts users, especially given the rapid competition it will face from other social networks. Brafton recently reported that Google+, which still hasn’t amassed the following many expected, now counts more than 250 million users.