Emma Siemasko

Content marketers are always looking for ways to target relevant audiences through the creation of content, but there may be an opportunity to connect with a large group of the world’s consumers – American moms – with online marketing strategies. Mothers‘ shopping behaviors on mobile devices prove they’re a group worth catering to, as 70 percent of smartphone and tablet-owning moms use the technology to shop for their families.

Moms turn to the web for deals

According to a survey conducted by BabyBump, a mobile app for pregnant women, moms surf the web via smartphones and tablets in hopes of finding deals on diapers and bargains on bibs. Moms aren’t just shopping for new deliveries from the stork or brand new babies, they’re also using the ’net for stress-free back to school shopping for older children. Ninety-three percent of survey respondents reported that they used their mobile devices for shopping purposes more in 2012 than in the previous year.Mobile Moms & Shopping

Roughly 33 percent spent more than 11 hours shopping for holiday gifts for their families and friends during the holiday season, revealing that brands offering services and products to moms need active web presences. If content marketers use SEO marketing and optimize their blogs, articles and multimedia for mobile, they may be able to reach this demographic.

Home computers are used, too

Although BabyBump’s survey addressed moms‘ mobile use, many are using home computers to research and make purchases online. Brand leaders should be sure to create strategies that make their companies visible on the web, especially to particular contingencies that will be interested in products and services. Social media marketing content, blog posts and other multimedia should be viewable on both mobile and PC.

Brafton recently reported that those who use mobile devices and PCs are likely to be the same people, demonstrating that content marketers don’t necessarily need to create separate and different content for each of these channels. The generation of custom, relevant content that engages users – moms, dads, teenagers and seniors, alike – is likely to see success, whether it’s viewed on a smartphone or a home computer.