Ted Karczewski

​Mobile technology isn’t just for texting, snapchatting and tweeting – it helps businesses convert on-the-go leads. According to the Local Search Association, local search on non-PC devices more than quadrupled last year, making mobile content even more important for lead gen and sales. However, many marketers wondered whether mobile users were active during search – were people likely to convert while on the go? New data from Google suggests that consumers not only turn to the mobile web for content discovery, but also for affirmation on what to buy while in select stores.

The „Mobile In-Store Research: How in-store shoppers are using mobile devices“ report found that 84 percent of smartphone shoppers use their devices to guide their in-store shopping experiences. Google also found that most in-store mobile activities begin with search, and 82 percent of mobile shoppers use search to influence their purchasing decisions. In fact, one in three people will use their phones so they don’t have to ask store employees​ ​when they need advice a what to buy.

Marketers must create web content for mobile search to convert in-store shoppers. Blog content for SEO can reach on-the-go customers and educate them about the benefits of select products. If in-store mobile shoppers are torn between two items, and they head to Google for advice, the company with the highest-quality and highest-ranking content will have better odds of completing offline sales.