Lauren Kaye

The mobile takeover is upon us and marketers must move quickly in developing better SEO strategies that keep their digital content at the top of smartphone SERPs. According to a recent Pew Internet & American Life Project report, twice as many American adults access the internet on their cell phones now compared with data from 2009. Marketers who thought it was tough to rank for targeted keywords above the fold in desktop search results need to dig in their heels, as mobile queries show fewer organic results on small screens and prioritize local domains.

According to the Pew report, approximately 63 percent of people with mobile devices use the technology to access the internet and 34 percent of these users say they do most of their web surfing on phones. Overall, 21 percent of adult Americans say phones are their primary access point to the web.

“For many, such as younger adults or lower-income Americans, cell phones are often a primary device for accessing online content – a development that has particular relevance to companies and organizations seeking to reach these groups,“ said Pew Research Center’s Senior Researcher Aaron Smith.

It’s true that brands must compete for limited SERP real estate as the mobile revolution takes root, but the challenges they face shouldn’t outshine opportunities they gain. Consumers armed with smartphones and tablets are often considered ‚always-on, just an arm’s reach from the web at any time. Essentially, this demographic is a marketer’s dream because members consistently consume brand content and many welcome the steady influx of updates.

Around 78 percent of tablet owners also have laptop computers, 71 percent have desktops and 70 percent use smartphones.

A Harris Interactive Poll finds there are multiple channels through which brands can reach their target audiences. Consumers now use a plethora of technology to stay connected with their friends, family and favorite brands. Around 78 percent of tablet owners also have laptop computers, 71 percent have desktops, 70 percent use smartphones, 55 percent own video game consoles and 23 percent have smart TVs. Brands that deliver custom content across these platforms have numerous chances to catch prospects‘ eyes.