Ted Karczewski

Companies often approach lead generation as a desktop-only practice, but with consumers in the United States moving rapidly toward mobile technology, brands must consider alternative sales avenues. According to eMarketer, time spent with mobile devices like smartphones and tablets is growing at 14 times the rate of desktop use. The source suggests that within a couple years, if this trajectory remains consistent, mobile will surpass desktop.

Pew Cell Phone UsageMore, Pew Internet Research’s „Cell Phone Activities 2012“ report found that 56 percent of mobile device owners access the internet via their cell phones. Fifty percent of the same audience send and receive email through their devices. These percentages represent growing opportunities for marketers who want to expand outreach programs and engage with prospects through numerous channels.

A great example of the power of mobile technology comes from Adobe, which announced its results from Cyber Monday cross-platform sales, and the company noted that mobile transactions accounted for 22 percent of online sales on Monday. Adobe saw a 100 percent year-over-year increase in m-shopping.

The company noted that web sales weren’t exclusively from smartphones. In fact, tablet computers contributed 14.1 percent of mobile sales, which is 110 percent higher than the previous holiday season. Smartphone transactions accounted for 6.8 percent of online sales.

There is no doubt consumers use their mobile devices to research products and purchase those goods. Content marketing strategies can be designed to encourage immediate sales, as providing leads with well-written blog content can compel reaction, and marketers can lead people to mobile optimized e-commerce hubs directly after reading unique articles. With several reports suggesting mobile technology will continue to impact this year’s holiday shopping, marketers should quickly implement their own game plans to appeal to on-the-go audiences, and content must be an integral component of their campaigns.