Ted Karczewski

Americans have greater access to the internet today than ever before. In fact, U.S. consumers spent a record amount of time social networking between July 2011 and July 2012 across all devices. Nielsen reported that Americans dedicated 129.4 billion minutes to social media applications, 28.1 billion minutes to Facebook and Twitter via the mobile web and 362.7 billion logging into their accounts from their personal computers.

A recent Ask Your Target Market survey suggests that this social media trend will only increase as people spend money buying new PCs and tablet computers. With more devices on hand, users will inevitably visit their favorite networks while at home or on the go.

The data showed that 51 percent of respondents currently own laptop computers but not tablets. However, of those respondents, 18 percent plan to buy tablets in the near future. More, 5 percent of survey respondents own tablets but not laptops. Of those asked by AYTM, 17 percent of tablet owners plan to purchase laptops.

Consumers will continue to purchase devices that help them connect to the ’net, and brands that publish relevant and interesting custom content to their websites will encourage readers to interact with articles and check back for updates regularly. It’s important to look at content marketing as an avenue to reach people no matter where they are – consumers should want to navigate to branded websites, not feel like articles follow them wherever they go online.