Alex Butzbach

One of the biggest trends in content marketing is mobile. Smartphones and tablets are changing the way people view the internet, and as a result, brands are struggling with how to present content in a manner that’s easily accessible on these devices. However, as Brafton reported, the main difference isn’t that there’s a fundamental shift in the ways people see blog posts, videos and other media. Instead, it’s all about when and where they browse.

As further proof, a recent study by ExactTarget reveals customers aren’t so much interested in seeing content optimized for mobile devices – they just prefer not to think about how they’re seeing the web. The 2014 Mobile Behavior Report posits 91 percent of consumers want access to content on any device, at any time, and 83 percent are just looking for a seamless experience.

The main quarrel they have with so-called „mobile-optimized‘ websites? According to 54 percent of users, this kind of content doesn’t always provide enough information. Mobile websites that are designed to be viewed on smaller screens shouldn’t cut out content – they should present it in a better manner so technological constraints don’t hinder viewability.

Content delivery that Maps to user needs

Making surcontent marketing materials are seamlessly accessible on any device is easier said than done, but one trick is to invest in networks that will do some of the work. Google, for example, wants as much information about businesses as possible, and it provides companies with a number of ways to share their content with users. Brands that show up in Maps results, info cards and carousels get more visibility, and doing so means that brands appear in the most responsive way possible that Google’s already designed.  

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A good place to start is by linking Google+ accounts with other types of search. The Google support blog recently announced G+ and Google Maps pages can be combined, providing better location information to general searches and helping to fill info cards and other Knowledge Graph results. As Brafton demonstrated, it’s no longer imperative to rank number one for particular keywords. Instead, brands want to simply increase their visibility. Being accessible on any device, in a multitude of Google search types, is the best way to do so.