Ted Karczewski

In this week’s Content & Coffee with Brafton, Stefanie D’aulizio explains why creative thinking helps marketers develop seasonal keyword strategies that capture clicks in search and drive qualified traffic back to branded websites. Watch the full presentation below and share your thoughts in the comments section toward the end of the article.

When it comes to creating a content marketing strategy, it’s easy to focus on keywords that will show long-term returns on investment. For example, if you’re a recruitment agency operating in Boston, you’ll likely try to see SEO gains on phrases like „creative jobs in Boston,“ or „Jobs in Boston for creatives.“

But sometimes it pays to think short term, especially for holidays and seasonal events. Take July 4th, for example. Marketers may not think there’s a big difference in how much traffic their articles generate just by altering the words they use when talking about Independence Day.

The term „July 4th“ generates 1.5 million local monthly searches, while „Fourth of July“ only produces around 800,000 local monthly queries. Forget that this data shows Americans are too lazy to spell out words even when they pertain to their nation’s independence and focus on the huge opportunity to drive more traffic back to your website. Think this is a fluke? It’s not.

Trends show that Americans search using the term „Valentines Day“ without the apostrophe 22.3 percent more times than with the correct punctuation in place. Wouldn’t you want to know this insight before you produce your marketing materials for any holiday?

Dynamic content marketing strategies help brands make money online, but ongoing keyword research is essential for success. Do you market products or services around holidays? I hope you know which keywords your prospects use to look for information before you write content about a given event or deal.

Catch you next week, and happy content marketing.