Joe Meloni
Businesses generating sales leads through marketing plans that include engaging email marketing newsletters are up to nine times more likely to convert prospects than companies relying solely on cold calls, a recent release from Sales Engine International suggests.

To conduct the study, Sales Engine conducted an internal audit to assess which of its marketing techniques were most successful. Some of the leads were pre-exposed to the brand with email newsletters while others were not. After analyzing the leads and prospects it gained from its marketing efforts, it Sales Engine found those companies who received and clicked through its fresh email content became clients nine times as frequently.

„This study clearly ties the success of integrated marketing efforts to closed sales deals,“ Paul Rafferty, founder and CEO of Sales Engine, said in a release. „It shows not only that by measuring and scoring activity, and warming your lead database over time, you can get to tangible metrics that help to identify prospects who have ‚raised their hand‘ digitally, but also that following up with those prospects in particular will lead to higher conversion rates … „

For businesses launching marketing campaigns, customizing content to the personas of potential decision-makers is is considered a critical element of content marketing, Brafton recently reported.