Google is experimenting with a new version of its search engine results pages, according to dozens of internet users. The new results pages are getting mixed reviews from users who are part of the company's test, but internet marketers should be focused on how the new layout may impact organic listings and, in turn, SEO.

From screenshots of the new results pages, it seems Google is adding more blank space to SERPs, perhaps making it easier for searchers to navigate the results for a given query. Dotted lines separate individual results, creating a cleaner look.

While the page may be less cluttered and highlight individual organic listings, it might also affect how many organic results appear at first glance (without users having to scroll down the page). One SEOBook contributor who is able to see Google's trial search results page indicates that the update pushes content further down.

He noticed that „the horizontal spacing [drives] down the organic search results. After the top AdWords listings the organic listings start off 88 pixels lower on the screen.“ This means the SERP update could make it increasingly important for marketers to achieve top organic listing to be noticed by searchers and catch their fair share of clicks.

Of course, gaining top Google ranking positions should already be a priority for search marketers. As Brafton has reported, recent data confirms the long-standing idea that content on the first page of Google results catches the most clicks.