Lauren Kaye

It’s common knowledge that Google is the leading search engine, as evidenced by its top position in comScore’s Search Engine Ranking reports month after month. Brafton recently reported the company holds strong with approximately two-thirds of the all queries. However, new data from Deepfield asserts that Google’s monopolization of the search marketing landscape is much greater than people anticipated.

Based on measurements that include all internet-enabled devices and user exchange traffic – mobile devices, computers, backbone routers, mobile applications, Apple TV, Xbox 360, etc. – Google is involved in 60 percent of all web traffic sent from end device. Seeing that this mirrors the number Brafton reported, this benchmark may not seem like a huge feat.

Accounting for approximately one-quarter of all internet traffic, this actually means that Google’s digital footprint is larger than Facebook, Twitter and Netflix, combined.

That figure is a huge leap from the amount of internet traffic Google used to handle in the past. In 2010, the same assessment showed Google accounted for only 6 percent of all web traffic. The source suggests the search engine managed to widen its reach so significantly through underlying infrastructure such as its content analytics platform and servers in internet providers‘ networks.Google's internet traffic share has continually grown.

For marketers, this means that Google has a significant amount of sway over the number of internet users who make it to their pages and how much visibility their domains get online. Given the search engine’s massive market share, it seems prudent that brands put even greater emphasis on their SEO strategies and editorial briefs to ensure online content is on point and succeeding in SERPs.