Alex Butzbach

Hi, Alex Butzbach here with this week’s Content and Coffee with Brafton. 

If you want to get better at writing, ask a writer for her advice. If she knows what she’s doing, she’ll tell you to make sure to write every day. There are plenty of other tricks, but ultimately, practice is what makes perfect, and the same is true for content marketing.

Forbes estimates that only about 10 percent of any site’s content will drive 90 percent of its traffic, and less than one percent is responsible for half of all visitors. So what’s the point of producing all the excess material?

First, you’re not going to know which news stories or blog posts get the most views until enough time has passed. After about a month, you should be able to say with confidence what content was the most interesting to readers.

Second, you need to figure out what your criteria for „good“ content is. If all you care about is traffic, great! On the other hand, you might want to check to see which pieces you publish get the most social shares. You might not write the next massively viral blog post, but you could find a certain story got a lot of views on Facebook. That should give you plenty of information about what you’re doing right.

Finally, consider adding some kind of conversion metrics to your content. You should know which content you produce is the most engaging, but ultimately, you should improve your website by producing more of the content that leads to actual business goals.

Let us know what other content marketing questions you have in the comments section below or by tweeting @Brafton. Thanks for watching.