Alex Butzbach

The goals of social media marketing campaigns differ from business to business. Some want to build their email lists, while others are just trying to get more blog content views. Facebook recently demonstrated that it understands each campaign is different and requires unique tools to be successful with the launch of custom calls to action.

The Facebook Business blog announced the network is rolling out custom calls to action. What’s important is that there will be seven options brands can choose from, including Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up and Watch Video. This is a boon for businesses asking users to perform different actions because it helps marketers personalize their content for better results.

Facebook highlighted the metrics from a campaign by the Dollar Shave Club, which saw a 250 percent increase in their conversion rate simply by using the „Sign Up“ call to action.

We’ve also found minor design tweaks can improve conversion rates 40 times. Clear design, contrasting colors and simple layouts make CTAs likely to be clicked. Read about it here: How simple design tweaks can make your CTAs 40x more successful.

Small language tweaks have big effects

There’s a lot of evidence that minor updates to CTAs – particularly wording – can really impact the bottom line. Brafton covered a study by Formstack showing it’s better to be more upfront with customers about what clicking on a CTA will do. For example, „Submit Registration“ has a conversion rate 18 percent better than „Submit“ on its own, presumably because it tells people they’re registering for newsletters or emails.

The bottom line is that brands can’t just take it for granted users will interact with content. If a button says „Submit“ or „Send,“ it isn’t direct enough – especially when users are looking to sign up or register for something specific. Simple words can be powerful tools for shaping the sales funnel, and brands need to make every adjustment they can to influence the buyer’s journey in their favor.

To learn more about winning customers no matter how they interact with your brand, check out this video:
Create content for B2B buyers at the ‘zero moment of truth’