
Mobile content marketing can be a daunting task, but, as one expert recently suggested, companies that build their mobile content strategies to complement their web presence are likely to find success using the medium.

„In my opinion the strategic alignment of the company's website and mobile initiatives need to be tied together at the hip,“ said Robert Dawson, vice president of internal marketing and web development services at Sabre Hospitality Solutions.

Speaking with HospitalityNet.org, Dawson acknowledged that mobile is becoming an integral part marketing. But, as with any new marketing medium, there is a bit of a learning curve.

Despite these challenges, mobile content marketing campaigns have proven to be beneficial for many businesses. The mobile web serves as an effective medium for reaching consumers on the go or those looking for quick information. Dawson advised businesses to allocate the necessary funds and establish a concrete strategy to make a mobile marketing campaign a success.

Mobile marketing tends to be most effective when it caters to the user's personal preferences and situation. As Brafton recently reported, a new study from Forrester Research asserted that mobile marketing campaigns must be contextual, focusing on the individual rather than the masses. Local SEO and social content can cater to these needs.