
Email marketing campaigns that are sent to consumers in the early hours of the morning garner better open and click-through rates compared to messages sent later in the day, according to a new report from email service provider MailerMailer.

Messages sent between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. have better engagement rates than campaigns sent after that time. This is likely because consumers read their emails first thing in the morning, so having a message in their email inbox by the time they wake up ensures it will be read. MailerMailer's study also found the highest volume of email openings occurs between 6 a.m. and 11 a.m. local time.

While consumers read a lot of messages on Tuesday and Friday, Sunday tends to be the most active day of the week when it comes to email engagement. „Sundays generated the highest volume of opens (12.2 percent) and clicks (4.4 percent) on average when compared to the rest of the week,“ the report notes.

While email continues to be one of the top lead generation tools for both B2B and B2C companies, generating compelling email content is a challenge to many marketers. Brafton reported that 95 percent of marketers said achieving relevancy to consumers was the biggest obstacle to email success.