Joe Meloni

Experian Hitwise blogger Heather Dougherty recently reported that search activity surrounding popular PBS show Downton Abbey has spiked in recent months, further signaling search’s position as a main research tool.

According to Dougherty, search variants for Downton Abbey currently account for 0.016 percent of all searches in the United States. While this figure is not particularly large out of context, it represents a fairly major trend given the massive amount of queries processed every day by search engines.

The current search volume for the British drama is a 1,400 percent increase from search traffic following the program’s first full season. Additionally, the type of information consumers are looking for has expanded, Dougherty pointed out.

In addition to proving that „Googling it“ is the leading way to find information fast, the trend demonstrates the power of trending topics for businesses using search marketing. While not every organization can leverage Downton Abbey, other search topics that content writers can effectively tie to business offerings can help companies attract new prospects to their websites.

Brafton has highlighted other recent hot such topics, such as the Super Bowl and the Grammy Awards, that have dominated search trends. Among the best methods to leverage these topics is the use of news content marketing material explaining an event’s impact on a business‘ industry.