Lauren Kaye

Mobile devices are fracturing the search landscape and changing internet users‘ behaviors, but a recent Harris Interactive study proves they aren’t necessarily replacing desktops. Marketers should take this as a sign that established content marketing practices won’t fall to the wayside even as mobile search gains momentum.

The Harris poll of more than 2,000 adults showed that consumers are investing in new technologies, but they don’t necessarily have an „out with the old, in with the new,“ mentality. Rather, they are purchasing additional devices and hanging onto their older systems to supplement new technology.

Tablet owners are particularly representative of technology hoarding behavior. The study found 78 percent also have laptop computers, 91 percent use mobile phones and 23 percent own e-readers.

Internet users are still performing a high volume of searches from their desktop and laptop devices, according to the latest comScore Search Engine Ranking report. In May, people conducted more than 20 billion core searches from their home or work locations.

It’s wise for marketers to keep mobile in mind as they design their online content to accommodate smartphone owners, but they must remember that target audiences are still doing the bulk of their searching on desktop formats.