Lauren Kaye

Hi! Lauren Kaye, here, with this week’s Content & Coffee with Brafton. You better snap out of that Turkey-induced tryptophan daze because it’s Cyber Monday, which means it’s one of the biggest days of the year for web marketing. Click play to watch the entire video, or read more below. 

Just how high are the stakes this year? According to the 2013 Adobe Digital Index, Cyber Monday is going to be a record-breaker for the holiday shopping season – and any holiday shopping season for that matter. Online sales are expected to reach $2.27 billion, a 15 percent increase from last year’s totals, and the highest Cyber Monday revenue on record yet.

Black Friday used to be the pinnacle of the holiday shopping frenzy. But this year, sales on the day after Thanksgiving were expected to fall short of Cyber Monday.

If you noticed crowds, but shorter lines at the registers this weekend, it might be because consumers are online right now shopping for lower prices on the items they scoped out in stores. More than 85 percent of Americans plan to spend at least part of their workdays browsing and buying from ecommerce sites today.

So how do you cash in on this massive sales opportunity? Well, most brands with solid editorial teams have already launched their holiday marketing campaigns to get prospects in the door. Smart content writers who are deep in the trenches of your industry will spot opportunities like this in advance, and craft articles just in time to reach readers.

But if you missed that boat, there’s still hope! The best part of the ’net is that you can act fast and it’s never too late to create some timely Tweets or pen a blog post that promotes your Cyber Monday specials. Just be careful about rushing it too much because you don’t want to set something live that isn’t ready for online readers. Accuracy and quality are a must.

And remember, there’s still more time between now and the New Year to optimize your holiday campaigns for even stronger results in 2013.

Catch you next week, and happy content marketing!