Joe Meloni

Google’s Matt Cutts spoke at PubCon on Tuesday and reported that Google’s search team now reports almost every manual action it takes on sites. Most using SEO won’t draw the company’s attention. However, Google’s manual webspam team will eventually take notice of any site it finds manipulating search.

Whenever a site forces Google to take this action, Cutts said the webmaster will receive a notice from the organization detailing the issues.

„We’ve actually started to send messages for pretty much every manual action that we do that will directly impact the ranking of your site,“ Search Engine Land quotes him as saying at PubCon.

„If there’s some manual action taken by the manual webspam team that means your website is going to rank directly lower in the search results, we’re telling webmasters about pretty much all of those situations.“

According to the news provider, Cutts made a similar statement earlier this summer, essentially saying Google informs webmasters 99 percent of the time. At PubCon, he pushed the figured closer to 100 percent.

The number of sites receiving these notifications from Google is relatively low, Cutts said in a recent Webmaster Help video discussing Google’s Disavow Links tool. For the most part, only sites warned by Google should have to use the new feature. Brafton reported that Cutts urges marketers and others to attempt to remove low-quality spam links prior to applying for link disavowal.