Lauren Kaye

Are you publishing web content that addresses visitors​‘ needs​ at different stages in the sales cycle? A recent report from Leads360 asserts brands see higher conversion rates from duplicate leads than first-time prospects, which means content writing will be most effective when it target​s​ ​return visitors.

According to the Leads360 report, marketers are making a big mistake if they ignore duplicate leads, assuming prospects have already been contacted by sales teams. Visitors are actually more valuable the second-time around. Regardless of how leads are handled after being flagged as duplicates, these prospects have a 167 percent higher conversion rate than average leads.

Perhaps more importantly, the more individuals come back and interact with digital content, the higher conversion rates climb.

„Leads that are flagged as duplicates four or more times are more than 200 percent more likely to convert than other leads,“ the study states.

„Leads that are flagged as duplicates four or more times are more than 200 percent more likely to convert.“

Brafton recently reported that marketers get three to five times as many leads when they offer downloadable digital content for visitors. If they can’t engage immediately, they return and provide contact data in exchange for valuable resources. 

Marketers are leaving money on the table if they aren’t addressing their return visitors. Content writing must be crafted strategically, so it speaks to first-time leads, but also provides enough information to push prospects further through the sales funnel every time they visit.