Emma Siemasko

Content marketers looking to drive more conversions should consider customer satisfaction, as new research from The Temkin Group reveals that consumers are more likely to make purchases if they have positive customer service experiences. According to the survey, 86 percent of those who reported being „very satisfied“ with customer service were likely to purchase products or services from a given brand.Conversions driven by positive customer satisfaction

Although the term „customer service“ conjures up images of representatives with headsets who are often typing emails, customer satisfaction can be provided through the generation of quality, custom content that positions a brand as a leader in its field. If marketers focus on gaining consumer trust, they are likely to see far more customer loyalty and, in turn, will see more conversions.

Brafton recently reported that many consumers expect brands to respond with rapid speed on social media platforms such as Twitter. Sixty-four percent of Twitter users are more likely to buy from brands that respond on the site. For content marketers looking to gain an edge, customer service can become part of social media marketing strategies. If customers are satisfied, they’ll be more likely to buy.